
Everything is happening before our eyes!
UN Agenda 2030 (The Trojan Horse!)

The UN Agenda 2030, which was announced at the United Nations Summit in New York in 2015, is a “ world future treaty ” to which national governments should submit. This agenda includes 17 so-called “ sustainability goals ” that only look good at first glance. If you look into them in more detail, you always come back to the same actors who in reality want nothing less than full control over our earth’s resources, a single central world government and thus the enslavement of all peoples. 

ARE the Federal Office for Spatial Development <Promotional video>

In order to exert influence in all areas of life and structures, these goals are being promoted not only by the United Nations itself, but also by influential partners such as the World Economic Forum with its “Great Reset”. For over 50 years, the WEF has connected the most influential people from politics, business, science, media, trade unions, NGOs, culture and churches and brought them together with the richest people in the world.

It has also been educating the world’s corporate and political elite for more than 30 years. Whether Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Angela Merkel, Emmanuel Macron, Viktor Orban or Vladimir Putin – they all went through the WEF school as “Young Global Leaders”. No wonder, then, that the founder of the forum, the German professor Klaus Schwab, is considered one of the most influential personalities of today.

The UN Agenda 2030 of the United Nations – A 17-point program for world domination and enslavement of all peoples!

Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; This right includes the freedom to hold opinions without hindrance and to seek, receive and disseminate information and ideas through any media and without regard to frontiers.

UN Agenda 2030: 17 Sustainable Destruction Goals

Find out below what the concrete, negative effects of the 17 goals are:

Note: The truthfulness and documentary film, plus the individual 17 mini-videos, are from a key and anonymous creator for this project. This great compilation was created to wake people up. It is intended to make our UN Agenda 2030 project known to the general public.

WE ask you to share the website with your family members, your relatives, your neighbors, your network, your school commission, the parish council, the local council or city council, the major and state councils, the national and state councils, federal, cantonal and municipal -To share with authorities and make them aware of this malicious international deception.

Thank you very much!

Christian Oesch, President & Contributors
of the Swiss Association WIR

Source and further information & links:
